• Question: What do you think is the worst thing about Deforestation?

    Asked by five021ace to Olga, Madhumidha, Connor, Canice, Aruna, Anthony on 10 Mar 2020.
    • Photo: Olga Ormond

      Olga Ormond answered on 10 Mar 2020:

      There is lots wrong with deforestation: it affects animals (big & small) reducing biodiversity; it reduces water filtration, meaning less clean water for fish life as well as humans; and it hugely impacts the climate as the trees are no longer there to absorb CO2.

    • Photo: Aruna Chandrasekar

      Aruna Chandrasekar answered on 10 Mar 2020:

      The worst is its effect on the animals and lifeforms that depend on it. Also, the fact that we are losing a carbon sink.

    • Photo: Connor McGookin

      Connor McGookin answered on 10 Mar 2020:

      Forests are like the Earths lungs, without them we wouldn’t have oxygen, they are essential to maintaining the air that we breath. Also, as they suck in CO2 they are a very important way we can tackle climate change.
