• Question: How much trees should we be planting to balance out our co2s

    Asked by Girlpowerforstem to Connor on 10 Mar 2020.
    • Photo: Connor McGookin

      Connor McGookin answered on 10 Mar 2020: last edited 10 Mar 2020 11:21 am

      On average a tree will suck in 25 kg of CO2 per year, which over a life span of 40 years would be 1000 kg or 1 ton. The average Irish person emits around 8 tons per year, so that means you’d need to plant 8 trees for every year. In the future as our energy comes from cleaner sources the amount we emit will be much less, by 2050 Europe hopes to be ‘carbon neutral’. Achieving this target gives each of us around 80 tons left to emit, so covering our lifetime would need 80 trees.
