• Question: Do you think mining is stupid? I do because of the amount of fuel they use to get a few peices of coal lithium titanium and copper

    Asked by LIAM.W to Olga, Madhumidha, Connor, Canice, Aruna, Anthony on 10 Mar 2020.
    • Photo: Aruna Chandrasekar

      Aruna Chandrasekar answered on 10 Mar 2020:

      Not really, humans mine the earth, as that is the only way we were able to discover all the metals and materials that we use every single day in our lives today. Ex. iron can mainly be obtained form an iron-ore and it is so ubiquitous in our lives, we cannot live without it.
      of course excessive mining and exploitation os wrong, and that is what ruins our environment.

    • Photo: Anthony Newell

      Anthony Newell answered on 10 Mar 2020:

      Mining, though it requires lots of energy and can be damaging to the environment is needed to get ore and rocks from the ground so we can take out the valuable parts like metal. All of the steel and and aluminum we use can’t be provided by recycled metal as we build more things so we need to mine to make up for the difference.
