• Question: What are the main things to write when you have a good idea?

    Asked by ring021map to Olga on 9 Mar 2020.
    • Photo: Olga Ormond

      Olga Ormond answered on 9 Mar 2020: last edited 9 Mar 2020 11:35 pm

      Do you mean the main things to write if you have a good idea for a new project?
      If you are asking someone for money to run your project then the main things to write would be
      1. What your project idea is about: What is the area in which you are working and what is the problem you are trying to solve?
      2. Why are you working on this problem (is it a big problem for many people, has someone already worked on a similar idea)? What is your project going to do better than existing solutions?
      3. What kind of results are you expecting out of your project? Who will want to use those results? And why? Do the users need it to be better, faster, cheaper, more environmentally friendly?
      4. What is your work plan, your project team, your timeline (how long will it take?) and your budget (how much will it cost?)?
      Make sure to sell your idea by telling the reader about the usefulness of your end results. Use facts to show that someone has a real need for your planned end results. Tell the reader that you got the right team to run the project successfully ,and show that you have a realistic planned time to completion and reasonable cost 🙂
